Peter Grundy - Executive Director

Peter has proved a valued coach to numerous C-level executives in the Gulf Cooperation Council since 2004. He has been described as " executives with a safe place to explore their goals confidentially in a dialogue without judgement".

He spearheads our C-suite coaching practice and has contributed to long relationships with the business leaders of major organisations in the Middle East.

Peter has worked on assignments in more  than 20 countries around the world and developed our methodology around Coaching for Your First 100 Days which has been valued by a number of newly appointed CEOs.

Excellent feedback has been received from his roles as an Executive Coach, Team Coach and Facilitator. His focus is on building high performance organisations with superior results by delivering the most effective leadership for them.

Peter's career has included working in government and in industry (UK and the US) before he moved to Bank of America which provided international opportunities in the Bank's business and in leadership development programmes.

After University in London, Peter continued to add to his knowledge base with studies in Sociology, Resource Management, Behavioural Sciences and NLP. His current Personal Development goals include understanding the culture and leadership aspects of business start-ups in the digital and Fintech worlds which are a growing part of his portfolio.