Brendan O’Shea - Chairman & Founding Director

After a technical and managerial career in the Energy and Banking industries (British Gas and Bank of America) Brendan started his first company in 1987 providing executive development to national and global companies.

His main activity is that of an executive coach to CEOs, Chairs, Board Members and Senior Executives. He works with organisations, both large and medium-sized, across industry sectors - private, government entities and family businesses.

His previous and current assignments in KSA started in 2001 when he was one of the fore-runner managerial and leadership coaches to work face to face with senior executives.

He has a good understanding of a broad range of industry sectors having coached senior executives from many different companies across geographies and cultures.

Brendan has post-graduate qualifications in Psychology and Sociology, Economics and Statistics. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK.

He has presented to many different audiences on subjects related to the management and leadership of companies.

He is currently writing a book for the practical guidance of Boards and senior management teams based on his experience and research in working with hundreds of senior executives across cultural and geographical boundaries.