Bringing you ideas from 35+ years of coaching and mentoring of executives, professionals and teams.

Some of the benefits of coaching and mentoring identified by our clients:

  • Return on Investment

    Research validated return on investment of up to 6 times more than other development solutions.

  • Credible Reputation

    35+ years’ business experience earning credibility at executive level in Fortune 500 companies.

  • Increase in Capabilities

    Higher levels of confidence and competence leading to an increase in potential and performance.

  • Enhanced Contribution

    Increase in skills to become a significant contributor and facilitator of company transformation.

  • Talent Retention

    Higher retention of talented people - avoiding significant loss of productivity and costs associated with recruitment.

  • Well-Being

    Increased physical, psychological and social contentment of executives in their environment.

A Selection of Our Clients and What They Say

“My coaching experience as a new CEO of a high profile financial institution was just what I needed. By the end of our first session my inner confidence had absolutely soared.

Instead of focusing on my undoubted shortcomings I was able to put them into perspective. My coach boosted my self-confidence so much.”

“I used to believe leadership was all about selling my ideas and recruiting followers.

I now realise it is about allowing others to become engaged and encouraging them to solve problems.”


“My coaching sessions are something I really value. Exceptional questions, plus the mixture of support and challenge from someone I trust implicitly.

I get so many new insights. I cannot put a figure to the benefit I get and quite honestly that is not how I evaluate the experience.”


“My coach has completely changed my understanding of coaching. The most powerful coaching has nothing to do with the importance of the coach, or the coach having the answers, or directing.

That’s why we have to get away from the idea that in coaching a manager does something to his direct reports. Nothing could be less accurate.”


Our coaching and mentoring increases the competence and confidence of senior executives and professionals for the benefit of themselves and their business.